Wig Studio 1 News
“In Treatment” (Fiber Configurations for Regular Synthetic/Heat Friendly)

Fixing Fringe Flop
There are many things that can flop in life of which we have no control, however, when it comes to bangs flopping in our face, this video/blog has come to the rescue. For our subject, I have chosen Miss Macchiato HF by Belle Tress in Roca Margarita Blonde. You will need the following:
Patience, a wig head to place your wig on other than your own, 2 to 3 mesh rollers, T-Pins, and a steamer. Optional: Blow dryer, rat-tail comb, and end papers.
Needless to say, this is demonstrated on a wig that has been freshly washed and conditioned for this presentation. After securing your wig, simply section off one front fringe at a time, and carefully roll it up in the mesh roller, you may use end papers but this is not necessary. Proceed to the other side of the wig depending on the style and desired re-direction. Secure the rolled-up sections with T-Pins. Following this, plug in your steamer, I recommend using distilled water or spring water, and when the steam emits you are ready to direct the steam to the rolled-up sections for approximately 5 to 7 seconds. This can be repeated later if necessary. Be careful to avoid the lace front and concentrate the steam only on the fibers. This process can be utilized on both Heat Friendly and Regular synthetic fibers.
The most important point here is the fact that most of the work is done during the cooling down process so I would recommend leaving it to set for a few hours or overnight. If you are in a hurry you can utilize the blow dryer method. Use the low setting on the blow dryer and please take into account that this also needs to dry completely until cool to the touch. If the roller is disengaged prematurely it will not be set.
I hope you enjoy the accompanying video demonstration with the goal of seeing the light at the end of the fringe flopping tunnel.
FYI: I am wearing Kendall by Henry Margu in 10/613GR
Both wigs were purchased by creator from Wig Studio 1 (Clearance Section).
Michele Pearl
“On Being a Blonde Detective”
The world of blondes can seem as convoluted as splitting the atom. Now I’m no Einstein but I can certainly read a color chart. But if you think that’s going to be much assistance in decoding the numerology of your next blonde crowning glory it might be easier to figure out how to be in two places at the same time.
Let’s say for the sake of argument we look at the color by Henry Margu in 10/613 GR. Seems pretty straightforward, 10 is a Medium Golden Brown, 613 is French Vanilla Blonde (sounds more like ice cream but okay). GR stands for gradient dark root, light tips. Upon further research, I have discovered the following: “Light Ash Blonde with Platinum Blonde Highlights and Medium brown roots”. Really? Seems to me you can sooner judge a book by its cover than select my next wig based on the above description. If there is Platinum in there why didn’t I get the memo? Because my dear partners in crime, where is the number 101 mentioned which is the official number assigned to said color “Platinum”? A secret code perhaps? One only a “color detective” can decipher? And if so, where is that Agatha Christie when you need her? As for the number 613, is that not a pale natural gold blonde? Or is that applicable only to another brand’s color chart?
Moving on to John Renau’s Palm Springs Blonde, FS17/101S18. Ah, there is the 101 Platinum, I knew we would find it somewhere except this was not in the description, which I was as mystified as anyone to read: Lt. Ash Blonde with Pure White Natural Bold Highlights Shaded with Dark Natural Ash Blonde. (No mention of Platinum) but okay, so much for math, and if nothing else let it be BOLD. Is Bold a color or an attitude? Or is that the attitude that you have when you wear the color?
As we further investigate this color conglomeration we know that FS translates into Fashion Syrup making me hungry already and 17 is a Medium Ash Blonde (Shaded meaning kinda rooted) signified by an “S” and 18 Dark Ash Blonde.
Assuming I am not alone in my confusion I have decided to provide my only key to help unlock this mystery. Clues are provided in the form of visuals; color comparison photos and also a video. Sometimes it seems playing by the numbers works as well in choosing a blonde as it does at the Blackjack table at Caesar’s Palace in Vegas.
I hope you enjoyed reading and viewing my take on this challenge, this blog is composed for educational and entertainment purposes.
Michele Pearl
CrazyWigLady's Blog Henry Margu Skylar 16H
Hi and welcome back to the CrazyWigLady blog here at Wigstudio1! I am so happy you stopped by the blog today to have a look at this adorable style from Henry Margu, Skylar in the color 16H. I know the weather is cooling off but I still love a fun pixie in the cold weather just as much as I do in the hot summer. One reason is during the cooler months we wear lots of layers, coats, sweaters and scarves, many longer styles will rub against my clothing causing the ends to fray a bit; but a pixie will stay looking great throughout the winter months. Skylar is part of the Henry Margu Naturally Yours Professional Collection and is available in around 25 shades. If you are looking for a nice blended blonde you might like 16H, this is not a chunky highlighted style but more of a blended ash blonde with wheat highlights.
Skylar has a short 2 inch nape, the bang is 2.5, top 2 1/4 - 3 3/4 inches and the back is 1 3/4 - 3 3/4. The nape on this style stays snug to the neck with no lifting.
Here are a couple more views of Skylar showing the color 16H.
This style is just begging for some piece out cream or styling spray to create some fun texture and separate the fibers. In my opinion these styles are worn best messy and fun, spike it up, put a small clip in the front, add a headband, make it your own!
Above are some photos of 16H in outdoor lighting. Again, this is an ash blonde with wheat/blonde highlights. (The website describes the highlights as platinum however my eye sees more wheat than platinum). Also, if you find the fibers too shiny a bit of dry shampoo will help as well as washing.
Above are a few photos of Skylar in 16H in indoor lighting. Now let me show you the beautiful cap construction on Skylar.
How beautiful is this cap? Look at that large mono top and the contoured lace front, there is a hand tied section and open wefting. This cap has it all! I found this one fit me a tad large, I have a 21 1/4 head circumference but can use the adjusters to get a great fit. These mono tops are wonderful on short styles, I love to spike up the front and you can basically spike up the entire top of this without fear of any wefting showing! Thank you so much for spending a few minutes with me today on the blog, I hope you enjoyed this short review of Henry Margu Skylar in 16H, if you would like to see my full video review you can click here. Also, please follow Wigstudio1 on Instagram, we post twice daily! Thanks again for joining me and I'll see ya next time!