Make Wig Wearing Benefit You!

Make Wig Wearing Benefit You!


(Wig Pictured above: Kim Wig by Jon Renau)

Yes, we talk about the challenges a lot, but there are also many benefits to wig-wearing. Like most things, wearing a wig and caring for it takes some work. But maybe you (like I) sometimes forget to think of the upside, the benefits. 

To get the most out of your wig it is important to know how to choose and care for them. Here are a few tips from the wig-wearing experts like some of you:


  1. Find a wig color that matches your skin tone. Treat the wig color just as you would picking a color to enhance your bio hair and your look in general. If you were a blonde before and know that blonde is a good color for you, it might help to stay in the blonde “family” when buying your first wig. You can branch out as you go and learn more about what wig colors are available. 
  2. If security is a challenge for you, look at the many ways to secure your wig, and there are many to pick from. Don’t spend your time worrying about your wig slipping or worse, falling off when there are so many securing options to choose from. Tape, clips, glue, caps, grips, and the list goes on. Find what works for you. Reach out for help if you are new to the wig world. You’ll find many people willing to give you the benefit of their experience. But remember, it is THEIR experience, and your issues or questions might be different. For example, some won’t leave the house without a wig grip and other items. Some leave the house with absolutely nothing between their wig and their head. It’s a very personal thing based on many factors. 
  3. Make the wig YOURS. I can’t stress this enough…do not think you will be able to pull the wig from the box, put it on your head, and love it unconditionally. This rarely happens. Believe me when I tell you, a one-time investment with a hairstylist to trim and shape it to your face is the best money you will ever spend. Along with this, please watch the many helpful videos WigStudio1 supports, and remember to take advantage of the great consultants they have standing by to help.
  4. Know your head size, and know that though wigs are mass made, you can find ways to achieve a good fit with a bit of work. You will find that some brands fit your head better than others. You will learn which cap construction types suit your head and your comfort level best. There comes experience. 
  5. If your wig has a part, and most do, don’t make it so straight and perfect. Perfect is not realistic. 
  6. Don’t be afraid to personalize it. You can wear clips/barrettes and other things to change up your look to fit your mood or outfit.
  7. Care, care, and care. Washing and conditioning your wig is important and can add not only to the look of your wig but to its life. 
  8. Appreciate the good stuff about wig-wearing:  
  • You can change your look in minutes. 
  • There are no more bad hair days.
  • There are no more minutes or hours in front of the mirror trying to hide your thinning bio hair.
  • There is little styling time required, saving you time and frustration.
  • You can try a new style and color without a costly long-time commitment as with bio hair. 
  • Wigs can help you through recovery from an illness or be a daily friend. 
  • Save your bio hair from repeated heat, coloring, or bleaching. 
  • Freedom! Change your style, your color, your look. Wigs are great!


Wishing everyone a great holiday season!

Vickie Lynn 

Make Wig Wearing Benefit You!

Make Wig Wearing Benefit You!

Yes, we talk about the challenges a lot, but there are also many benefits to wig-wearing. Like most things, wearing a wig and caring for it takes some work. But maybe you (like I) sometimes forget to think of the upside, the benefits. 

To get the most out of your wig it is important to know how to choose and care for them. Here are a few tips from the wig-wearing experts like some of you:


  1. Find a wig color that matches your skin tone. Treat the wig color just as you would picking a color to enhance your bio hair and your look in general. If you were a blonde before and know that blonde is a good color for you, it might help to stay in the blonde “family” when buying your first wig. You can branch out as you go and learn more about what wig colors are available. 
  2. If security is a challenge for you, look at the many ways to secure your wig, and there are many to pick from. Don’t spend your time worrying about your wig slipping or worse, falling off when there are so many securing options to choose from. Tape, clips, glue, caps, grips, and the list goes on. Find what works for you. Reach out for help if you are new to the wig world. You’ll find many people willing to give you the benefit of their experience. But remember, it is THEIR experience, and your issues or questions might be different. For example, some won’t leave the house without a wig grip and other items. Some leave the house with absolutely nothing between their wig and their head. It’s a very personal thing based on many factors. 
  3. Make the wig YOURS. I can’t stress this enough…do not think you will be able to pull the wig from the box, put it on your head, and love it unconditionally. This rarely happens. Believe me when I tell you, a one-time investment with a hairstylist to trim and shape it to your face is the best money you will ever spend. Along with this, please watch the many helpful videos WigStudio1 supports, and remember to take advantage of the great consultants they have standing by to help.
  4. Know your head size, and know that though wigs are mass made, you can find ways to achieve a good fit with a bit of work. You will find that some brands fit your head better than others. You will learn which cap construction types suit your head and your comfort level best. There comes experience. 
  5. If your wig has a part, and most do, don’t make it so straight and perfect. Perfect is not realistic. 
  6. Don’t be afraid to personalize it. You can wear clips/barrettes and other things to change up your look to fit your mood or outfit.
  7. Care, care, and care. Washing and conditioning your wig is important and can add not only to the look of your wig but to its life. 
  8. Appreciate the good stuff about wig-wearing:  
  • You can change your look in minutes. 
  • There are no more bad hair days.
  • There are no more minutes or hours in front of the mirror trying to hide your thinning bio hair.
  • There is little styling time required, saving you time and frustration.
  • You can try a new style and color without a costly long-time commitment as with bio hair. 
  • Wigs can help you through recovery from an illness or be a daily friend. 
  • Save your bio hair from repeated heat, coloring, or bleaching. 
  • Freedom! Change your style, your color, your look. Wigs are great!


Wishing everyone a great holiday season!

Vickie Lynn 

Are You Wearing a Wig?

Are You Wearing a Wig?

(Wig pictured above : Megan Petite wig by Fair Fashion)

It’s the holidays, a gathering time, and sometimes you will be seeing old friends or family members that you may not have seen in months or longer. We all want to look our best and our hair is a big part of our look, our style, what makes us feel more confident. So…what happens when someone you barely know, or someone you may not have seen in a long time asks about your hair. How do you respond when someone asks, “are you wearing a wig?”

Of course, you may have already had to deal with this, and you have your own responses based upon who asks, and how you feel about sharing your wig journey. But here are a few answers that I received when I asked wig wearers this question:


When asked how to respond to “Are you wearing a wig?” and “Is that your real hair?” Here are some responses from real wig wearers:


  1. I love it. Isn’t it great?
  2. Why do you ask? 
  3. Yes, and here’s why (if you feel like sharing)
  4. Oh, that’s a sensitive question.
  5. Wig? What wig?


I’m sure you have your own responses. The good news is that it is much harder to spot a wig wearer these days. Wigs are more realistic than ever. But here are a few tips to help you avoid worrying about it. 


What will give you away


  1. Please, take that hair out of the box and own it. Don’t plop it on your head and expect perfection. You must make it your own. If you don’t know how to do that, learn before you wear it out. Don’t be afraid of your wig. Wigs are manufactured in a way that is “one fits a majority” in that you must customize them. That might include taking it to a stylist. 
  2. If you are not secure in your wig, it will show. It will call attention to the fact that something is not exactly as it should be. You will not move your head as naturally and might always be touching your wig or adjusting it. 
  3. Too MUCH VOLUME! Yes, some “big hair” girls are loathed to give that up, but nothing says “wig” louder than a big pile of hair on your head that nature could not have bestowed. Go for lower density, hand-tied wigs that look more natural if you want to avoid people asking you if you are wearing a wig. 
  4. Watch the hairline. Keep your wig at a natural hairline. Set too far back or forward, it will not look natural and won’t be as comfortable either. 
  5. Color and style are the other two things that can draw unwanted attention to your hair/wig. Yes, women color their bio hair and change their styles. But if you are trying to look as if you have real hair, and not share your wig secret, staying close to your natural color family, one that compliments your skin tone will work best. There is a range of colors that work for each person better. Find yours and have fun with styles. 


In the end, it is up to you. Do you want to blend in and not have your wig a point of discussion, or you don’t care who knows you are wearing one, and have no problem discussing it? How you answer that will guide your decisions. There is no need for a bad first experience in wig-wearing, or at any time. There is so much help out there, and you are certainly not alone on this journey. 


Have a great holiday season and join the WigStudio1 Facebook group for great tips on these topics and many more.


Vickie Lynn


Muse Wig by Raquel Welch

How Long Should Wigs Last?

 (Wig shown in picture above: MUSE WIG BY RAQUEL WELCH)

This is a recurring question, and it is easy to see why. We put money, time, and hope into our wig purchases, and don’t take this process lightly. Unfortunately, the answer is not a bottom-line one, and there is not an exact length of time for any wig. So much depends on so many things, which I’ll review here.

Generally, human hair wigs last longer than synthetic wigs. As a rule, human hair wigs (with proper care) can last a year, or much more if one wears them on occasion. Synthetic wigs generally last up to six months with proper care. If synthetic wigs are heat-friendly, their lifespan may be shorter if you use heat on them regularly. Remember too that with a bit of talent or an agreeable hairdresser, an aging wig can be trimmed and re-styled in a lot of cases, and you can get extra months of wear out of it.

How long your wig will last, and by last, we are all thinking “looking good” depends on what kind of wig, how often you wear it, how you care for it. There is no getting around the fact that just like bio hair, human hair wigs and synthetic fiber wigs must be cared for. Treat them as carefully as you do or would your bio hair.

For many, a human hair wig, with the proper care, can last more than a year when worn daily and up to three years when worn occasionally, so say many experts in the field. All wigs are not created equal, so a lot depends on the quality of the hair just as it does with the quality of fibers in a synthetic wig. Know your brand, do your research, get feedback from other wig wearers on the Wig Studio 1 Facebook site, their consultants, and the great ladies who do the reviews.

Synthetic wigs can comfortably last between four and six months when worn every day on average, with the shorter ones lasting on the higher end of that timeline (due to lack of constant friction of fibers on clothes). I have had shorter wigs last up to a year and look good, even the heat-friendly ones if I rotate them. In general, synthetic wigs tend to have a shorter lifespan than human hair wigs as they are prone to tangling which affects their day-to-day resilience, and of course, if you use heat and a lot of products, it means more washing.

Tips summary to help you get more wear out of your wigs:

A human hair wig doesn’t receive the oils and vitamins from the scalp like your natural hair would to keep it rejuvenated after styling and daily life. So, remember to wash your human hair wig with extra attention and be sure, to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. This goes for heat appliances, blow-dryers, shampoo, conditioner, and the right comb and brush. Remember the individual strands of hair are attached to the cap. Overuse of heat, over conditioning, etc., can loosen the knots.

A synthetic wig, especially the heat-resistant ones, can look as natural as a human hair wig when you care for them properly. Again, think heat, correct care products, wash only when needed.

Wig rotation is a great thing! Not only do you get to leave the house in perfect hair (and different styles and/or colors if you wish) but if you rotate your wigs, you wash them less and that will prolong their life

At last, but certainly not least, wig care doesn’t end with just the obvious. Putting your wig on improperly or taking it off improperly can damage the lace front, over-stretch the cap, and might loosen your fibers. Treat them with care. Also, storage is important, especially when traveling and long-term storage. Make sure they are stored properly. Again, take advantage of the Wig studio 1 Facebook page for some great and imaginative tips on wig storage. There are some resourceful people on that site!

Until next time, me and my Muse in Shaded Cappuccino wishes you a good week,
Vickie Lynn


Employee of the Month November 2021

Employee of the Month November 2021

Hello and Happy December to you all!!!

I can’t believe we are in the last month of the year already. Time has flown by. November was a busy and super fun month for us! What an amazing team we have here at!

This month, I’d like to recognize Chase Huehl as Employee of the Month for November 2021. Chase will receive a bonus and a certificate.

Chase works in our shop located in Ridgefield WA. He shows up each day at the same time and always has a smile on his face. He ships out clearance items and checks in incoming returns to ensure they are in brand new condition, so that they can be added to our clearance inventory. He organizes and keeps the shop clean, and he is a joy to work with. He is super fun and outgoing, and we are lucky to have him on our team. : )

Congratulations Chase!! May you all have a wonderful Holiday Season with your families and those closest to you.

Blessings of peace and good health to each of you.

All the best,

December 08, 2021 — Andrea Carlson


Say hello to Raquel Welch's new sassy and glamour styles! Whether you are: up for a stroll at the beach or a night at home, these two new styles are up to the task. 
The long-lasting, beautiful beach waves we all crave are so easy to achieve with this effortless clip-in topper. Temple-to-temple lace in the front and a deep mono part give you coverage and the most natural look possible. With minimal styling and blending required, you’re ready to go! Attaches with 4 pressure-sensitive clips.

This modern top piece blends in with your own hair to create a look that’s perfectly beYOUtiful. Wear for coverage or to change up your look. Adding a professionally cut bang is now as simple as 1, 2, 3. To attach, simply clip in the perimeter pressure-sensitive clips, finger style and go! Your dream do is now a dream come true.


ORDER TODAY for your new style! 


Take Care,

Wig Studio 1 

Afraid to Go Gray?

Afraid to Go Gray?


Whether it’s needing more time to think about ourselves during the pandemic shutdown, or not, a lot of women seem to be embracing their gray, white, and silver hair. So many are saying that they are ready to give up the coloring processes and learn to love their hair the way it is now. For wig wearers, it is a bit different. We can change our color any time and with little fuss. But the same core question remains—are we afraid to go gray? 

Gray doesn’t have to mean “old” or any age. However, the challenge seems to be learning how to make that change. If you have worn a brunette wig for five years, should you just turn up one day in a lovely gray or silver wig, or if you’ve not shared your wig journey, should you have a transition color/wig? There is no one answer to that question. It all depends upon your comfort level. Fortunately, there are resources to support any decision you make.

If you do decide to “just go for it” get help if you think you need it; learn what brands carry the wig styles and cap construction that you prefer. 

Tips from the professionals about choosing a color/shade and style:


  • Go for a soft color with dimension. Nothing screams “fake” like a flat solid root-to-tip color with no variation.
  • Color should always be multi-tonal, especially as you age. That is true for blondes as well. 
  • Remember, in most cases, we lose plumpness in our faces as we age. The styles that looked good on you at thirty might look too harsh now. For example, a too blunt bob, close to the jawline and with no layering is very severe.
  • Go for a layered style and one a little below the jawline.
  • Tone- is so important, and wig wearers must learn to care for their wigs to protect the color/tone.


Short or long as we age? A question that never goes away. Ask yourself if your style makes your face look younger or older. Does the too-long hair pull the face down? Would you look better with a shorter, more face-flattering style? So many people get caught up in the look of the wig—you are interested in how the wig looks on you—huge difference. 


Don’t be afraid to claim your color—and don’t be afraid of gray! Try different shades/tones and get help if you need it. There are in-between colors you can choose, but often the salt/pepper colors age us more than a lovely silver or white. It’s all about the shade/tone, color, and style. 


If you had rather take the plunge more slowly, there are some lovely options. Ellen Wille Smoke Mix and Pearl Rooted are lovely, and Raquel Welch Silver and Smoke, Iced Granita, and Silver Mist come to mind. 


Skin Tone: Yes, it is ever important as we age because it changes. Know your skin tone, and that will help you key in on colors/shades that will look best on you. For example, if you have a cool skin tone you likely already know that ashy colors, shades of honey, beige, and gray work well for you. For shades of grey hair or any color, tone, color gradient, and dimension are key. Flat equals fake. 

Just two of my favorites. Notice the dimension, the shadings. No flat, drab and lifeless look with these!  





Until next time, here I am thinking that I might go gray…hum. 


Vickie Lynn 

Employee of the Month October 2021

Employee of the Month October 2021

Hello and Happy Fall!

October was a fun and exciting month for us here at Wig Studio 1! Showcasing several new styles and colors from various brands provided so many fun things to look forward to!

We have a wonderful team, and I would like to recognize Elijah Lopez as our Employee of the Month for October 2021.

Elijah is a happily married father of two children. He is hard working and always willing to help where needed in various departments. Elijah has been a PHC for several months and recently began overseeing back orders for Wig Studio 1.

In this position, he sends out notifications to all of our clients if their order is delayed, in addition to providing alternative options, in the event the customer needs something more available for immediate shipping.

Elijah is a team player and enjoys spending time with family and watching his kids play sports. We are so lucky to have you on our team, Elijah!!! Thank you for all that you do!

I would like to extend a thank you to ALL of our team members at Wig Studio 1 for your efforts in the month of October. Every one of you committed yourself to assisting our customers in various ways. I am honored to be a part of this amazing team, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for putting your trust in Wig Studio 1.


All the best,


December 05, 2021 — Andrea Carlson
The Good, The Bad, The Wig Cap

The Good, The Bad, The Wig Cap

(Picture shown above CARRIE WIG BY NORIKO)

In life, there are days that are good, bad, and somewhere in-between. And like in life, it is hard to say that wearing a wig cap is always a good thing or a bad thing. One thing I can say – like life, it is an individual thing! The good news is you have choices.

The good – also known as the benefits of wig cap-wearing: If you have a sensitive scalp, some find it helpful to have that barrier between wig and scalp. They seem to be most popular with those who have had total hair loss. A wig cap can help cut down on the irritation of the friction caused when the wig moves around on the scalp. When a wig is placed on a bare scalp it can be uncomfortable. The wig cap provides not only comfort but the assurance that your wig won’t move around. (Please check this site for my blog on securing wigs and/or go to the WigStudio1 Facebook page for many tips, and helpful videos).

A wig cap is not just for those with no bio hair, however. They can also be beneficial for wig-wearers who have partial or no hair loss. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, the cap also smooths out any unwanted lumps caused by natural hair underneath. This allows the wig to sit better and look more natural.

The bad – also known as the downside of wearing a wig cap: One of the biggest complaints seems to be heat, making the head too hot. (Check out our Facebook page, my other blogs. How to keep your head cool.) The other “biggy” is the cap feels too tight and causes headaches after wearing it for long periods.

Wig Cap materials: There are several, from nylon, mesh, cotton, and bamboo. The cost is low to moderate for caps and worth trying several to see what works best for you. Also, check out the bamboo liners that can help with comfort and that absorb sweat to make wig-wearing more comfortable, especially in the summer.

Do you have to wear a cap? No, you do not. In fact, I do not. I am lucky in that I found a brand and two styles that fit my head well. But with that said, if I did not opt for a mono top, and hand-tied, which I find most comfortable for me, I might consider a cap. While cap can offer some security in that your wig might stay in place better, it is not meant to solve all your wig security problems.

Wig Security: As noted earlier, there are many ways to secure a wig. There are clips, tape, glue, and grips. How you use these, if you use these, is a personal decision based on your preferences, comfort level, and need. Most wig-wearers that I know have experimented with several methods. Again, I don’t use these methods at all. I have two long bobby pins that I use, one on each side between my temple and forehead area. I know this is not the answer for everyone. I just happen to have the head shape and size that is a good match with one brand and two of their styles in particular. You will find what works for you too, it just might take a bit of experimenting. Please do take advantage of the other blogs on this site and our Facebook group for so many tips on this and other wig-wearing challenges.

There is nothing better than stepping out into the world knowing that you look the way you want to look, and not worrying about your hair. With a bit of experience and time, you will come to appreciate the advantages of being able to never have a bad hair day. You can change your hairstyle, color, and your total look in minutes. Wigs are so well done these days that most experienced stylists can’t tell the difference when looking. Just don’t make those “uh-oh, does this look like a wig?” mistakes by not learning which wigs are the right ones for you. Know your face shape, coloring, and what a style and color do FOR YOU, not for the model on the website.

Until next time, check out the WigStudio1 Facebook page, and other blogs on this site.

Yours Truly,

Vickie Lynn

December 01, 2021 — Ramona Mellison
Tips, Tricks, and Advice for Wig Lovers

Tips, Tricks, and Advice for Wig Lovers


Yes, as much as we love our wigs, they can be a source of angst. We don’t want them to age, and ever look anything but perfect. But we live in the real world, and we know that everything ages and our wigs are no exception.

As most of us know, and all of us will learn in time, the popular synthetic wigs do suffer more from friction, or those horrible frizzy ends that show up one day. The longer wigs especially are frizzy victims as they are in constant contact with our clothing and every movement causes friction—wear and tear. The Tip: Spray those ends with products made for synthetic hair. Spray, brush, and dry. A hand-held steamer will do wonders to smooth out those ends. There are many great videos on this site about wig care. 

Wig Security is another issue a lot of new wearers ask about. The Tip: Do what feels right for you. Every person has an opinion about this, but that opinion is based (of course) on their wig experience. How your wig/cap fits is a very individual thing. Every head is at least a little different in size and shape. There are combs, glue, grips, tape, and all manner of things to try to find what you are most comfortable with; and know that this can vary from wig to wig. Wig cap size/fit also varies a bit from brand to brand. You will soon learn which brand works best for you. Help can be found on the WigStudio1 Facebook group website or by calling customer service. You can benefit from the trial and error, and overall experiences of many wig wearers on the Facebook group ongoing as well. 

Making your wigs more “you” can start with tweaking the bangs or more drastic steps like trimming and thinning them. The Tip: Don’t try this at home unless you are sure of your skills. Seeking help from a trained stylist can help you make the wig look less wiggy and more like you were born with it. They have an eye for style, face shape, and what cut works best for you. It is well worth the money. 

How often do I wash my synthetic wig? This is a question I see almost daily. The Tip: There is no one rule for everyone! A lot depends on how long each day you wear it. Does your head sweat? Do you use a lot of products? Are you out in hot weather a lot? Do you wear a wig cap? All of these things can make a huge difference in how often you should wash your wig. Remember it is not only your wig fibers that need to be kept clean and in good shape, but also the wig cap. But there is a rule about how to wash wigs:

1. Make sure your wig is tangle-free.

2. Make sure you have cleaning and conditioner made for wigs.

3. Look at your manufacturer’s instructions, but most will say, use cool to very slightly warm water, soak for five minutes, and rinse in tepid water. Do a good job on this step as shampoo buildup is not a pretty thing.

4. Use a conditioner and follow the instructions. Some are rinse out, some are leave on.

5. Place wet wig on a towel and pat out excess water with the towel, no rubbing or twisting, please.

6. Run your fingers through it to straighten any kinks and clumps, but don’t use a brush or comb until totally dry. For human hair, please see your brand’s instructions but it is basically the same as for synthetic. 


Until next time, happy wig shopping and wig wearing. Here is the next one on my list! Love it! And don’t forget to join us on the WigStudio1 Facebook group. I love going there just to see how great everyone is looking in their new styles and colors, but it is truly a fantastic place to learn more about wigs as well. 


Until next week,

Vickie Lynn


November 23, 2021 — Ramona Mellison


Come, enjoy our three new styles from Ellen Wille's most sophisticated collection! These styles offer a playful and effortless look with the comfort you have been looking for! 

Devine Wig by Ellen Wille is a chin length, modern bob with layered sides. The extended lace front and monofilament part make this style look effortlessly and natural. Devine is synthetic and comes ready to wear.
Mirage, by Ellen Wille, is an absolute show-stopping wig! This beautiful, long, and layered style features a side fringe and will allow for endless styling possibilities. Mirage, a heat-friendly fiber, is designed with a luxury cap, very lightweight, and is the longest model within the collection.

Vanity, by Ellen Wille, is a short playful shag with the ability to get more volume out of the layers or smooth it down for a more sleek look. Featuring a hand-tied double monofilament top, with an extended lace front, this wig truly offers the most natural-looking hairline.


ORDER TODAY! 30% OFF for you new style!



Wig Studio 1



November 15, 2021 — Ramona Mellison
Top Ten Ways to Extend the Life of Your Wigs

Top Ten Ways to Extend the Life of Your Wigs

  1. Understand Your Wig Cap’s Construction: Is it hand-tied, machine wefted, lace front, mono top, mono crown, mono part? 
  2. Respect Your Fibers: Read any manufacturer’s care instructions or do a search to find out how to care for your wig fibers. Fiber composition makes a big difference in how to care for your wig. Human hair, blended (human hair with synthetic), heat-friendly or not—they all have different needs. 
  3. Use the Correct Brush or Comb: It’s helpful to get into the habit of combing through your wig after taking it off. Gently (and with the appropriate comb type) remove any tangles. Smoothing and separating the hair fibers before storage will not only keep your wig looking its best, but it will be ready for wear the next time without worry. Always comb in small sections, slowly, starting at the ends and moving toward the crown. Careful of pulling too hard. You don’t want to unknot any fibers from the crown.
  4. Store Your Wig with Care: Everyone seems to have their own method. If you rotate your wigs a lot, keeping them out and on wig heads/stands is fine. If you have too many for that, you can store them in the box they came in, careful to make sure the fibers are not twisted or out of shape if you will be storing them for longer periods. Some people hang them from pegs or similar setups. If you are using boxes, remember to store them so that you can read the name on the box for easier access. 
  5. Watch That Heat, Please: This is always a scary thing the first time you try it on your wig. Remember that synthetic hair does not respond like human hair. Start with the lowest temperature that is advised rather than the highest. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to high temperatures will shorten the life of your synthetic wig or topper.
  6. Don’t over-wash! Washing your wig, especially over time, will cause some shedding and a slight loss of density, no matter how gentle you are. Everyone is different, and you can adjust the when to wash rules to you based on several things: how many hours a day your wear the wig, does your head sweat, how many products do you use, to name a few. If you take the wig off and can smell the wig cap, that’s a clue. If your fibers seem to be sticking together, that’s a clue. If your fibers look dull and lifeless…yes, a clue. You get the idea. Use good judgment, and with the idea in mind that the more you wash, the shorter the lifespan.
  7. Use Silicone-Based Products: (and other products) On Your Wig, sparingly. Over time, the use of any product will cause a buildup that can result in a lifeless, dry, and flat look. A thoroughly washing is the only answer.
  8. Don’t Sleep in Your Wig: Both static and sweat cause frizz, often resulting in tangles which will result in damaged fibers, and so on. It’s not worth it.         
  9. Don’t wear your wig to the gym: No matter how cute that guy is at the gym that you want to impress or how much more attractive you feel with your wig on in general, think twice. If you must wear a wig, set aside one wig, maybe one that is shorter, and aging, one that you only wear for this one thing. Otherwise, opt for another type of headgear.
  10. Don’t Wear Your Wig in a Swimming Pool: The chemicals in the water are not your wig’s friend. Invest in a head wrap, bathing cap, or if you do go in and don’t plan to get your wig wet at all…. but you do, rinse it out immediately and condition it lightly, letting it air dry overnight before trying to comb through. 


Your wig is an investment, both financially and emotionally. With a little thought and care, it will last you a long time and help you look your best along the way.


Please see WigStudio1 videos for more on wig care. There is a great store of information on the site.


Until next time, can you believe it’s time to think about holiday hair?


Vickie Lynn