CrazyWigLady's Blog Toni Brattin Inspiration Light Grey

Welcome back to my blog here at! Some of my favorite reviews are of grey styles. Wigs have come so far and so many people of all ages are wearing silver and grey these days that I really enjoy showing these colors! Here is another Toni Brattin style that is a true out of the box throw on and go! I have really begun to enjoy the Toni Brattin styles, they are offered at a great price point due to their basic cap construction and the fibers are heat friendly, (be sure to keep you tools under 350 degrees). Also this style is available in a large cap which I think is so nice so anyone can have and enjoy this wig. Inspiration is also available in 11 shades.

Here is a look at the color light grey in outdoor and indoor lighting. This is more of a true grey than a salt and pepper however, there are some strands of dark brown running throughout this style. I will link the full video at the end of this blog. This is a non rooted color, that being said, on some of these grey shades it is possible to see the wefting if you are outdoors in the wind. I recommend wearing a white or light color wig cap when wearing these light grey shades.

The cap construction of Inspiration is basic, no lace front, open ear tabs, open wefting, as well as an extended open nape. The basic cap makes this affordable, this is a perfect first wig or a great everyday style. Inspiration has a front of 3", sides 2.5", back 2" and a short 1.5" nape.

Above are some photos of this style and color, notice there is no rooting and not much brown, this is more of a true grey/white shade.

Here are a few styling ideas, you can change this look by adding something as simple as a fun headband or clip. As for glasses, I wear my glasses over the ear tabs of my wigs; I know some like to wear them under the tabs or through open ear tabs. My advice would be try your new style on with your glasses before leaving home to determine what works best for you. I hope you enjoyed this blog showing Toni Brattin Inspiration in light grey. Be sure to go to to see all the available Toni Brattin styles and be sure to see all the videos on our Youtube channel, we post new ones almost everyday! Also, please join us on Instagram where we post daily and have our "client selfies"! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by today and remember, "we're all in this together"!