When choosing the right hairpiece or topper, there are three things to consider:
1. Measurement
2. Type of Hair (Synthetic, HD, or Human Hair)
3. Application
We have a variety of toppers to address every stage of hair loss. First, measure your area of hair loss. This will help you determine the amount of coverage you will need. Add 1/2" to 1" to this measurement to ensure that your clips will place in healthy hair.
Second, determine the type of hair fiber that will fit your lifestyle. Synthetic hair fiber offers a low-maintenance option. The fibers have style memory, and they are a smaller investment. HD (Heat Defiant) fibers provide multiple styling options, as they allow you to heat style your hairpiece so that you can curl it or straighten it. Human hair has the most natural look and feel and offers unlimited styling options. There are Pros and Cons to each selection, so please review those below to determine which hair fiber would best fit you.
Third, choose your color and apply! When selecting a color for your topper, we recommend you order a color ring so that you can view and feel the colors and fiber in person to obtain the best match for you. (Please email for additional information on color rings.)
Finding the Perfect Topper is as Easy as 1-2-3!
To address all stages of hair loss, there are a variety of toppers available in different sizes, fibers and cap construction. Follow these 3 easy steps below to find the perfect piece for you...
1. Begin with identifying what stage of hair loss you are in by measuring. Find the area of hair loss or the amount of coverage needed. There must be a sufficient amount of hair to attach the clips to, which is why measuring is so important. We recommend an inch perimeter.

2. Determine what type of hair you want.

3. Determine your coverage area and length and apply!

Check out the video below to learn more!