Hello Everyone! It's that time again! Can you believe another month has gone by so quickly!?!

I'm so excited to announce that our Employee of the Month for August 2021 is Abbigail Lopez! This is her 2nd time being awarded Employee of the Month in the same year! She is doing such a fabulous job! 

For those of you that don't know Abbigail, she is a Personal Hair Consultant here at Wig Studio 1. She began her journey with Wig Studio 1 in October 2020. She is a wonderful team player and an excellent PHC!

Our company is growing, and during the month of August, Abbigail took additional time to assist in training our new Personal Hair Consultants to ensure they were educated, comfortable and confident in assisting our valuable customers in their new position.

Abbigail is super friendly, and she always goes the extra mile for her customers. She is compassionate, helpful and very thorough when assisting customers.

Abbigail is married to Elijah (who also is part of our team here at WS1!), and they have two children.

Thank you Abbigail for your efforts and help! Congratulations!!!!

Keep up the awesome work!! We are lucky to have you on our team!

September, here you are already!! I look forward to a fun and exciting month with new releases, give-a-ways and LIVES in our closed Facebook Group!

Wishing you all a great month ahead!! 



September 02, 2021 — Andrea Carlson