If you are feeling a bit blah and in need of a bit of excitement, how about a new wig style for the holidays? What better time to step out of your routine and your usual look and to try something different? The holidays, with the parties and celebrations, is the perfect time to swap out your “usual” with the different. 


Have you been wanting to try another style or color, but have been putting it off? Now is the time. It is that time of the year when new hairstyles are a common thing, so you can pull off a change a lot easier if you are worried about everyone noticing the difference. 


Things to think about as you determine what new look might be best for you:


  • Don’t forget the same rules still apply—go with your best color family, the best style for your face shape, maybe branch out a little. Pick that radiant red, or the lighter blonde, or that rich brown—so many choices.
  • Are you longing for that up-do, that sophisticated look you used to pull off when you were younger maybe, or when you had more bio hair? Then maybe look at the longer styles you can work with on a sophisticated do.
  • Don’t forget to get your hairstylist involved if you do not feel comfortable tweaking, trimming, or altering the wig.
  • Get your new wig in plenty of time to work with it before the big event, party, or holiday gathering so that you feel it is you and not new. You do not want to spend the entire night worrying about how you look.
  • If you are new to wigs it’s even more important to give yourself plenty of time to make the new wig your own, and time to get help from a stylist if needed. 


A new wig is always exciting and especially if you love it once you try it on. But sometimes, just like when ordering a dress online and getting it home and wondering what you were thinking—ugh. We know that things don’t always work out. That’s why it is so important not to get carried away by the look of the wig on a model or someone else. Helper hair is supposed to be just that, a helper for us, not another challenge we have to overcome. By sticking to the “rules” like knowing what kind of cap you want, what kind of fibers, what colors work for you, and what lengths are flattering, your chance of disappointment is greatly diminished. 


So, with all this in mind, spend some time on the website, watch some videos, talk to your stylist if you have one who knows you well. Think about what events, parties, gatherings that you will be going to over the holidays, and what you would like to wear. Will it be a casual family thing, a big corporate dinner party, a trip to see relatives or friends? Let those things help guide you. Will you have a lot of time to spend getting dressed, and do you plan to use a hairdresser to help you for the big night or do you want something chic but easy like a smart bob in a new color? Or maybe both? Do you have multiple functions that one wig could work for, maybe put up for one function and left down for another? Now is the time to think about it.

No one wants to add more stress to the holidays, especially if you are having guests, or if you are traveling. Make it easy on yourself by preparing in advance.


Wishing you a lovely fall…and a fun Halloween! 

Vickie Lynn